REALTOR ® Membership
Did you just become a new real estate licensee?
Use the application below for Realtor® Membership and access to Great North MLS.

Great North MLS Only Membership
The Bismarck Mandan Board of Realtors® is a cooperative owner of the Great North MLS.
To have MLS Only Participation with the Bismarck Mandan Board of Realtors® you are required to be a current REALTOR® member and be a licensed Broker/Appraiser in North Dakota.
Once the Broker joins, any licensed individual at the office must enroll in MLS or provide proof of MLS enrollment.
The MLS Participation details are below:
New Office Fee
Application Fee
2-Months MLS Fees upon joining, after initial payment, MLS is billed Monthly to the Broker
Items required upon joining:
-attend MLS new member training (via Zoom)
-GN's required listing policy is any 1–4-unit residential listing located in ND, SD, MN, and MT must be entered into GNMLS within 48 hours.