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NAR Legislative Meetings in DC

BMBOR Leadership attends NAR REALTOR® Legislative Meetings in Washington, D.C.

Realtor DC

President Mary Ohlhauser, President-Elect Jason Schmidt, and CEO Wendy Spencer attended the NAR REALTOR® Legislative Meetings in Washington DC in May.

The meetings focused on Advocacy at the federal level and included a visit along with other North Dakota REALTORS® to Capitol Hill to visit our state congressional delegation. While there, the group discussed issues that are important to the real estate industry and housing.

Throughout the week, there were several legal updates on the NAR proposed lawsuit settlement and the implementation of the terms of the settlement.

This was the first year that Schmidt has attended the meetings and said, “The NAR Legislative meetings and conference was educational and inspirational all at the same time.”  One of the big takeaways from the conference was, “Having the opportunity to meet with our North Dakota representatives is paramount for the changes in our industry. We do have a seat at the table, and our work/voices do make a difference.”

This is the second year that President Mary Ohlhauser has attended and said, "I would highly encourage anyone who has the time and opportunity, to attend the REALTOR® Legislative Meetings in DC. The speakers are awesome and you hear and see the value of being a REALTOR® and belonging to NAR.

A lot of discussion at the meetings centered around sharing the value of using a REALTOR®. "On the NAR website, there is unlimited information, 179 ways Agents are who are REALTORS® Are Worth Every Penny of Their Compensation, to show our value as a REALTOR®, which is needed more NOW than ever", said Ohlhauser.

Mary says, "If you’re interested in leadership at the local or state level this is the opportunity to see what is involved, and helps you understand your leadership role. I attended round tables and got to hear what other Local presidents and President-Elects in other states are facing, get new ideas, and see what a wonderful industry this really is!"

Other BMBOR Members that attended the conference, were Greg Larson, NAR FPC Advisory Committee, Kristin Oban, NAR REALTOR® Safety Advisory Committee & NDAR Vice President, Desri Neether, NDAR Director-At-Large, and Jamie McLean, NAR Broker Engagement Council & NDAR President-Elect.
